Past ARDS Speakers
“The list is huge. Many of us are very cognizant of the fact that we truly do stand on the shoulders of giants. In retina, many of the giants came regularly to that meeting. I remember very vividly being there with everyone from Tom Aaberg, Sr. to Steve Charles to Don Gass, many of the real luminaries in our field… Here was an opportunity to not only listen, but to stand up in front of your peers and probe into important clinical questions in a forum that not only permitted it, but encouraged it.”
David Parke, II
Records per page:
1988 16th Annual Meeting
William R. Freeman, MDManagement of AIDS - Associated Retinopathy - Part I
William R. Freeman, MDManagement of AIDS - Associated Retinopathy - Part II
William R. Freeman, MDManagement of AIDS - Associated Retinopathy - Part III
Bert M. Glaser, MDProliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
Bert M. Glaser, MDProliferative Vitreoretinopathy
John R. Heckenlively, MD(A) Update on Retinitis Pigmentosa (B) Cone System Dysfunction - Clinical Evaluation
William F. Hoyt, MDArcuate Neuroretinitis: A Presenting Sign in a Patient with Acute Retinal Necrosis Syndrome
John S. Lean, MDCan We Prevent PVR?
Brooks W. McCuen, II, MDCurrent Work with Cyanoacrylate Retinopexy
Brooks W. McCuen, II, MDSilicone Oil in the Management of Diabetic Retinopathy
Robert C. Ramsey, MDVisual Status Following Pancreas Transplantation for Type I Diabetes Mellitus
Morton L. Rosenthal, MDCauses of Failure in Retinal Detachment Surgery
1987 15th Annual Meeting
Thomas M. Aaberg, Sr., MDAnterior Traction, the Current Cause of Failure in Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy
Thomas M. Aaberg, Sr., MDVitrectomy for Diabetic Retinopathy: The Difference Fifteen Years Later
Alan C. Bird, MD(A) Pigment Epithelial Rips: Longterm Outcome and Pathogenesis (B) Peri-papillary Disciform Lesions: Behaviour and Therapy
Alan C. Bird, MDCentral Serous Retinopathy: Management of Visual Loss in Acute and Chronic Disease
George Blankenship, MDDiabetic Vitrectomy or Things Were Going Great Until…
George Blankenship, MDRecent Studies of Diabetic Panretinal Photocoagulation or When It's Not Broke, Don't Fix It
Steven T. Charles, MDNew Technology in Vitreo-Retinal Surgery
Steven T. Charles, MDPVR Algorithm
John G. Clarkson, MDEvaluation and Management of Retinal Vein Occlusion
John G. Clarkson, MDEvaluation of Infants with Stage V ROP
William F. Hoyt, MDIdiopathic Circumpapillary Retinopathy: A Big Blindspot Syndrome Without Disc Edema
Anselm Kampik, MDClinical Experience with 5000 Centistoke Silicone Oil
Robert Machemer, MD(A) Light Toxicity and Its Prevention (B) Steroid Therapy for Prevention of PVR?
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